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the last three years of my life have been exemplary of what it means to wander. At some point I believed I had objectives but it all seems to have led me to that wonderful place we all call “nowhere.” And so, I am at the end of a string of three years with nothing to show and a negation in my progress. Nothing like digging yourself a pit.

So now, in light of this blog “No Name Trail” I conclude that as we wander through life it’s important to hold the perspective of adventure. Adventure is what makes things interesting. It’s what gives us stories to share. It’s what defines us. The least interesting stories fall from the lips of those who play it safe and never take risks. It is, for lack of another word, anticlimactic.

I do not yet understand the path I am traveling nor do I know to where it leads. But at some points along the way I have experienced despair and hope, love and loss, and character building experiences that I would not have had had I traveled the path most traveled by, Robert Frost.

As a reader of my postings, I hope that you will understand as I have come to understand that when we feel lost or hopeless, change your perspective. It is all part of an adventure. The hardest and most trying times are the ones that build us and make for interesting stories. When we look back on those times we’ll be able to recount and smile and think about how young at heart we were but as a result we grew.

A trail without a name or a lost traveler does not remain that way; a trail finds a name and the traveler eventually finds himself.

October 2009